What if today you were faced with a critical life-threatening event? Do you have an emergency plan, and are you confident in your ability to implement it? The unfortunate reality is our communities are becoming increasingly unpredictable and precarious, and there just isn’t enough being done to equip them. This realization inspired us to form Ethos Protection Services, Inc. in 2015. 

Based on feedback from people in many sectors of our community, we saw a need for distinct protection services and assembled a team whose combined knowledge, experience and unique approach can make a positive impact on the safety of the people in this area. Our profound concern is not only because we care for the wellbeing of the Central Valley, but because this is the home of our families as well. We have made it our mission and our obligation to equip and service individuals, families, businesses, schools, and churches, with the knowledge and training needed to successfully mitigate and survive the unknown and unpredictable threats of our world. This is our ETHOS, and together we can also make it yours.